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Cambodia @ 3 Days 2 Nights

A visit to Cambodia is a truly unique and rewarding experience. There is a rich and proud culture and impressive natural scenery and the spirit and warmth of the people make this an exceptional destination to visit. The highlights of this fascinating country are visited on this short journey of discovery.

you will visit the Tuol Sleng Museum, a testament to Cambodia's recent bloody past under Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime.

The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum offers a glimpse into a tragic era in Cambodia's history that few of us could even begin to fathom. Famously used by the Khmer Rouge as a detention and torture center, the building now houses exhibits, paintings and photographs of many of the victims. 

Phnom Penh: Best for culture
After a troubled history, which reached its nadir with the Khmer Rouge’s enforced eviction of the city in the 70s, the ‘Pearl of Asia’ is thriving, with a flourishing café culture and a glut of world-class fusion restaurants.

Just a few blocks from the market, the National Museum is close enough to the riverfront to receive some of its welcome breeze. Inside, visitors reflect upon 1000 years of Khmer sculpture. The adjacent Royal Palace, with its glistening spires and dragon-tail details, still dominates the city’s low-rise skyline. In a corner of one of its courtyards, a team of artists is working to restore a 1901 mural of the Reamker – Cambodia’s version of the epic Hindu poem the Ramayana.

Phnom Penh , Cambodia
cnr St 13 & St 178
admission US$5
 Opening hours


Tonlé Sap: best for lake life

In the village of Me Chrey, the streets are made of water and the wooden houses float. The village’s families are among the thousands who have settled on the surface of the freshwater Tonlé Sap, Cambodia’s ‘Great Lake’ , their lifes revolve on the lake.
The floating houses, which are tied to one another, are moved by the villagers four times a year to follow migrating fish stocks.The schools and houses are all floating on water, the only way of transportation is through boat. In this remote, placid, water world, it’s no surprise to learn that cooperation holds sway.

Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious structure, an architectural representation of the Hindu universe and the undoubted star of a massive temple city built, over the course of 600 years, by dozens of rulers who considered themselves part god, part king.

The temples are still active centres of faith and everyday life today. The Gallery of 1000 Buddhas is now bereft of the vast majority of its statues – a legacy of the brutally destructive Khmer Rouge era of the early ’70s. 
At Ta Prohm, to the northeast of Angkor Wat, strangler figs spill like liquid over 39 temples in various stages of ruination, creating a tangle of tipsy roofs and dark hallways.

Angkor wat is consider the landmark of Cambodia, It was once named one of the 7 wonder of the world.Angkor Wat is the world’s largest religious structure, an architectural representation of the Hindu universe and the undoubted star of a massive temple city built, over the course of 600 years, by dozens of rulers who considered themselves part god, part king.

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