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Redang Island, Malaysia

Redang, Malaysia @ 2 Days 1 Night

18+ Short Trip

Day 1:
We were departure from KLIA 2 at the early morning, friend said. But actually it was just at midnight (felt badly) and we arrived at Sultan Mahmud Airport after 50 minutes from KLIA 2, and then we rode Laguna shuttle van to Shahbandar Jetty.

And before we went to Radang, we also had to ride Laguna ferry and it took 1 hour and 45 minutes. Since we were the pre-booked resort packages, the price was included, but the detail for public ferry is RM 50 (one-way, Children is RM 25), and the details are below:

Ferry                            Departure from Kuala Terengganu      Departure from Redang
Public Ferry                              9am, 10.30am, 3pm                         7am, 11am, 1pm
Coral Redang                                        9am                                               11am
Redang Holiday                                    9am                                           7am, 11am
Redang Reef                                         9am                                              11am
Redang Bay                                          9am                                              11am  
Redang Lagoon                                    9am                                              11am

The registration would take place in the main lobby, and there were 2 trams on duty and they will bring us to lobby. For those who are allergic to sea water and always care their children, har~ here they are, Laguna has provides private swimming area with Chlorinated water for those people to swim. (i don’t even understand why people went there to swim in the pool???)

After checked in and settled everything down, it is the time to have our lunch (felt hungry). Due to the meals are inclusive, we just went to Sang Suria to enjoy our buffet lunch, and it is spread from local to international cuisine for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

The lunch not much special for me, I think is because I’m Malaysian. Hahahaha… the foods is like roti canai, grilled beefs, grilled potatoes, spaghetti and etc.
After lunch, there is the time for us to snorkelling….

Under the sea, there are a number of corals with different colours and shapes, and some of them looked funny. We also seen nemo fish there, but we didn’t take photo, because we were too excited and I felt the nemo fish more cutie than on TV.

Since we had some free time after snorkelling, so we decided to visit More More Tea Inn where located besides our resort.

The store is sort of like grocery store it actually sells pricey items ranging from snacks, suntan lotion, to hats, t-shirts and souvenirs. It becomes famous is because of a movie, named “Summer Holiday”, showed in 2000, starred by Sammi Cheng and Richie Ren. The building was demolished rebuild due to structural problem, but Laguna was decided to rebuilt it for tourist and placement of two-level gift-shop. Last, you have to remove your shoes before stepping in. 

After shopped, we had to enjoy my expected buffet dinner.

Actually it was just a normal BBQ buffet dinner with a number of choices like roasted chicken, grill beef and lamb, sotong, satay and etc.

Went to sleep??? Nope, after dinner, we went to Summer Point to join their PARTY!


This is the time to make some noise!!

The party was nice, because not full of people there compared to KL nightclub, and it was fun and amazing, we also bring alcoholic drink along, although they sold their drink.

Day 2:
Breakfast time~~

Now, is the time to take our last photos at Redang Island, and said goodbye!

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